With the aim of strengthening and preparing the attendants of the National Coordinations of the Americas in the 12th International Meeting of the WMW, we met on September 10 and 11, 2021, for a virtual continental meeting that brought together 13 National Coordinations and 66 delegates.
The meeting made possible the sharing of realities, resistances and alternatives to the multifactorial system that oppresses us and that during the pandemic has sought to reproduce and strengthen itself. Within this framework of complex realities, we evaluated and made proposals for the future of the International Committee and the functioning of the International Secretariat. |
This Regional Meeting was prepared by the Working Commission made up of the coordinators, Nalu and Mafalda and the comrades Corina from Chile, Emilia from Quebec, Alejandra from Venezuela and Sandra from Guatemala, who designed the methodology of the meeting.
The delegates focused their reflections on the revitalization of the movement and the reactivation of coordination in the territories that have suffered the devastation of patriarchal capitalist extractivism, repression, militarization and the coercive and restrictive measures of governments. Special attention was given to the need to incorporate the insular Caribbean region. The Meeting of the Americas served to verify from the testimonies, that despite the harsh and adverse contexts that the region is experiencing, the responses given by the peoples and their popular and feminist organizations are impactful. The meeting highlighted; the work of rural women in the participation of agroecological production, hand in hand with the political proposals of peasant and popular feminism, the defense of seeds and food sovereignty, the proliferation of experiences of feminist and solidarity economy that launch alternative production, distribution of goods, services and care where life and communities are at the center, the strengthening of networks and strategic alliances and the advancement of social movements that pose the challenge of breaking with communication barriers, the appropriation of technologies and the invention of new work methodologies to overcome the isolation imposed by quarantine. All these experiences are the living demonstration of our capacity to generate responses from feminist organizations, social movements and of the articulation and promotional potentialities of the national coordinations of the Americas. |