To turn our gaze to those stories of women who continue to rebel and who with their struggles live a superlative existence, the Cinematheque of Cuba and the Cimarronas Project (Maroon, [f]) opened an invitation to the cycle "Ísimas. They rebel", as an opportunity to defend, through the moving image, the struggle for the emancipation of women and that history will never again be told in the masculine.
Unity, sisterhood, grassroots participation, articulation, responsible communication, equality, equity, freedom, knowledge, were key words in the meeting of the National FMC with a group of feminist collectives to bring to the table some key issues about their struggles against patriarchy.
The grassroots feminist space of sisterhood included massages, crafts, music, audiovisuals, dance therapy, board games, accompaniment in legal matters, sale of books, moments to share life experiences, gastronomy and self-defense, in addition to a concert by the women’s group Obini Batá.
For its part, the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Havana held a participatory workshop with teachers and students to reflect on gender from their own experiences. In the province of Santa Clara activists and entrepreneurs of that city met with the aim of vindicating the rights of women, to talk about gender-based violence and support the new Family Code. From the tables, the activists shared with the population and clarified doubts linked, mostly, to issues related health and gender violence.