Last April Emilia Castro and Marie-France Benoit presented before the General Assembly of the Coordination of the WMW of Quebec the document: Conjunctural Analysis, presenting the impact of the pandemic on women's lives.
The text presents a critical view, from a feminist perspective, of the present and the way in which inequalities between women and men have become more acute in this context, stating that "the finding is that more women than men have lost their jobs, either permanently or temporarily, during the health crisis, in the last year. 68% of the jobs lost in Quebec had been held by women, according to figures compiled by the Quebec Ministry of Labour." In addition, the document reflects on the situation of immigrant women and women of color in Quebec and Canada, highlighting how they face more inequality because of COVID-19, being at greater risk because they are essential workers. The document states that "in Greater Montreal, between 80% and 90% of the employees of elderly care institutions are immigrant women, in particular women of African descent or of Sub-Saharan and North-African origin". |
This document also presents the strategies of resistance being carried out in this context by women in the WMW in Quebec to build "solidarity that takes into account the great diversity of our society, which not only seeks equality between women and men, but also among women themselves".
We invite you to read the entire document at
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¡Resistimos para vivir, marchamos para transformar!