It is undeniable that, worldwide, humanity is going through the biggest socio-environmental crisis it has ever experienced. A neoliberal system, a market-based economy, and the corporate accumulation of wealth, which extract and plunder common goods without any limitation, have increased the destruction of nature and hundreds of communities and territories. In this story, we, women, life caregivers, have a lot to denounce.
At the end of this year in Chile, there will be two official events: the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, and the Conference of Parties of the United Nations (COP25), in November and December respectively. Representatives of governments (21 in the case of APEC, and more than 200 in the case of the COP) |
gather with the mission of making economic decisions, mainly regarding commerce and investments on the one hand, and for confronting the planet’s crisis caused by global warming on the other hand. All of this is done hiding away from the people, and as it is well known, by using false solutions that don’t do much more than simply deepen the crisis through policies that plunder and destroy nature, the social fabric, and the living conditions of communities throughout the entire planet.
We, the feminists of the World March of Women, collectively and together with other social, environmental and feminist movements in Chile (and hopefully also other international ones), are organizing a space where social movements will be the protagonists of all the reflections and the creation of alternatives to this system that is currently killing our planet. The People’s Summit will be the stage of innumerable actions, one of which will be the Women’s Tent, a feminist space that will foster dialogue, will make visible, and will denounce the impacts of the neoliberal-patriarchal system on the lives of women and communities, as well as the control exercised over bodies-territories. This collective space is being organized by WMW-Chile together with allied organizations such as the Red Chilena contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres (Chilean Network Against Violence towards Women), la Coordinadora 8M (8M Coordinator), the Movimiento por el Agua y los Territorios – MAT (Movement for Water and Territories), ANAMURI, OLCA, the Colectivo VientoSur, No al TPP (No to the TPP), Rapal, Negrocéntricas, and the Heinrich Böll Foundation. We invite you to become part of the process of the People’s Summit and, especially, of the Women’s Tent. Contact: [email protected] |